How to Leverage PLM to Master Product Complexity
CLM Summit 2022 presentation byAnders Rasmussen
Senior Principal Software Developer, Configit
Traditionally, product lifecycles were linear processes, with PLM systems handling design and engineering from start to finish. Today, manufacturing companies strive to let customers configure their products to support their individual personal needs, while harvesting the resulting data and behavior patterns to detect new trends. This new landscape of increasingly complex products can no longer be managed using the traditional linear processes, and present significant challenges to manufacturers on their digital transformation journey.
Join Anders Rasmussen, Senior Principal Software Developer at Configit, for the Tech Talk, “How to Leverage PLM to Master Product Complexity,” as he discusses why integrating a PLM system with Configuration Lifecycle Management (CLM) provides the scale needed to meet the growing complexity of products and dynamic customer requirements without impacting existing system installations and processes.
By providing a single source of configuration truth, CLM establishes a basis of close collaboration between departments, providing product designers and engineers with the ability to execute configurations, work directly with logic, and connect to the rest of the organization, as well as supply-chain partners, vendors and even customers themselves.