Configit in the Media

A collection of Configit´s most recent press mentions and media coverage. logo

Build a Resilient Supply Chain by Navigating Product Complexity Challenges

Configit CEO Johan Salenstedt describes how today’s technology can enable manufacturers to finally free themselves from siloed operations.

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The Art and Science of Designing Product Features

Discover how effective product feature management contributes to developing intuitive, value-driven functionalities that resonate with both customers and consumers.

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Navigate ESG Regs With Configuration Technology

Read how product configurator technology can help you gain a competitive advantage in the world of increasing ESG standards/regulations.

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Managing Complexity and Market Shifts in Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing

Learn how effective configuration management assist chip fabs in meeting demand for the semiconductors that are powering the modern world.

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Sustainability, Traceability, Visibility: New Rules and Tools for Complex Manufacturing

Read why a shared source of configuration truth is the key to delivering on the sustainability promise.

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A Configuration Approach Key to EV Market Success

Jesper Blak Møller argues the importance of synchronizing product, pricing and engineering data for EV manufacturers.

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Customer Experience and Operational Visibility at Configit

Henrik Reif Andersen, Configit’s Chief Strategy Officer, discusses customer experience and operational visibility in manufacturing.

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Sustainability and Smart Tech Will Revamp Manufacturing in 2024

Configit’s Henrik Hulgaard outlines 2024 manufacturing predictions including sustainability, traceability and digital product passports.

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Manufacturing Engineering Magazine logo

A New Approach for Complex Configurable Products

Read how a composable product configurator delivers the scale needed for manufacturers of complex products to succeed.

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76 WorkTech Predictions from Industry Experts for 2024

Henrik Reif Andersen and Henrik Hulgaard share their predictions on B2B manufacturing technology for 2024 and beyond.

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What the Future Holds for Manufacturing in 2024

Henrik Hulgaard, VP of product development at Configit, shares his 2024 technology predictions, including traceability, visibility and sustainability.

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Predicting 2024: AI Will Become Embedded, and Customers Will Expect More

Configit Chief Strategy Officer Henrik Reif Andersen discusses future trends in manufacturing including AI, 3D visualization and omnichannel experiences.

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Versioning and Effectivity: Managing Configuration Models Over Time

Learn how effectivity and versioning help businesses achieve higher-quality products, faster new product introduction, and more efficient processes.

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Mastering Configurable BOM Complexity

Get inspiration for new ways of working and a new approach to tackling some of the challenges associated with BOM management.

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Driving Collaboration Through Digital Transformation: What Manufacturing Leaders Need to Consider

Configit CEO Johan Salenstedt outlines how CLM helps manufacturers overcome barriers to digital transformation.

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Good Digital Employee Experiences Lead to Positive Customer Experiences

Read how CLM enables better digital employee and customer experiences in this article by Configit Chief Strategy Henrik Reif Andersen.

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Modern Configuration: Streamlining and Clarifying the Possibilities

Configit VP Henrik Hulgaard explains how a single source of configuration helps manufacturers quickly and accurately generate valid configurations.

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A Road Map for Implementing Configuration Technology

Master the steps to ensure configurations are properly created, monitored, updated, and retired throughout their life cycle.

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Want to Get a Better Handle on Possible Configurations? Take a Closer Look at Your Approach

Learn how to arrive at valid configurations faster and more accurately with the use of smart, modern configuration technology.

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Improving the Post-sales Customer Experience

Henrik Reif Andersen discusses why a new approach to configuration holds the possibility of transforming long-term customer experience.

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Applying an Intelligence Layer: Reducing Complexity to Increase Engineering Productivity

Read why adding an “intelligence layer” to your PLM system can make it easier to manage the intricacies of product configuration rules at scale.

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Examining the System Configurator Approach in Manufacturing

Laura Beckwith, Senior Product Manager at Configit, explores system configuration in manufacturing and how automation leads to fewer errors.

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A Successful Shift to Industry 4.0 Requires a Single Source of Configuration Truth

Configit CTO Henrik Hulgaard explains why successfully shifting to Industry 4.0 requires companies to embrace a single source of configuration truth.

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Manage Configurations Throughout the Lifecycle of a Product

Gain insight into how Configuration Lifecycle Management (CLM) intersects with PLM and MBSE disciplines across the enterprise.

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Moving Beyond PLM and CPQ: How Emerging Technologies Address Configuration

Learn how manufacturers can stop overpromising by bridging the divide between Sales and Engineering with Configuration Lifecycle Management (CLM).

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The Smart Industry 2023 Crystal Ball Report

Read on pp. 48-49 what the top five predictions for manufacturing in 2023 are according to Henrik Reif Andersen, Configit CSO.

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Five Manufacturing Trends to Watch in 2023

Henrik Reif Andersen, Configit CSO, discusses servitisation, supply chain, digital employee experience & what manufacturers can expect in 2023.

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Sustainability and the Supply Chain: Making the Connection

Discover how online product configuration tools can help consumers make more informed choices as described by Configit Chief Technology Officer Henrik Hulgaard.

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Modern Manufacturing Needs a Platform-agnostic Configuration Solution

Learn how agnostic cross-functional configuration platforms improve productivity and achieve economies of scale in this article by Configit CTO Henrik Hulgaard.

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Don’t Try to Retrofit Your Engineering Configurator for Consumers

Gain insight into why implementing a sales-centric configurator delivers a better customer experience in this article by Jesper B. Møller, Director of System Engineering at Configit.

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CLM: The New Necessity

Discover how a centralized configuration model enables manufacturers to respond swiftly to customer requests and adjust to changing market dynamics in this article by Jens Ellebaeck.

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Want to Improve Sales? Take a Closer Look at the Customer Experience

Understand why the connection between sales and customer experience is critical in this article by Configit Consulting Offerings Manager Jens Ellebaeck.

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A Single Source of Configuration Truth: Your Success Metric for Industry 4.0

Learn how to keep up with new customer demands, new business models and increasing product servitization in this article by Configit CTO Henrik Hulgaard.

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Leveraging Product Lifecycle Management in Manufacturing

Configit’s Senior Principal Software Developer Anders Rasmussen explains how to leverage product lifecycle management to master product complexity.

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C-Suite Career Advice: Johan Salenstedt, Configit

Hear Configit CEO Johan Salenstedt’s advice on how to successfully navigate a career in the IT industry.

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Building a Better Customer Experience in Manufacturing

Hear Configit Chief Strategy Officer Henrik Reif Andersen explain how manufacturers can meet customer expectations throughout the product lifecycle.

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Solving the Complexity Challenge in a Software-defined Everything World

Get insight into how to successfully navigate the proliferation of software-defined products in this article by Configit CTO Henrik Hulgaard.

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Ensure Sustainable Manufacturing with Green Configuration

Configit CEO Johan Salenstedt outlines the benefits of ‘green configuration’ in meeting sustainability goals.

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Overcoming Complexity in Software-Defined Manufacturing

Learn how you can gain a competitive advantage in a software-defined world in this article by Configit CTO Henrik Hulgaard.

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Complexity Slows Down Manufacturing, Here’s How to Transform

What is the key to escaping the complexity trap? Read Configit CEO Johan Salenstedt’s latest article for strategies to gain clarity and improve leadership.

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Five Considerations for Configuration Lifecycle Management

Understand how manufacturers are getting digital transformation right in this article by Configit Chief Technology Officer Henrik Hulgaard.

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Three Steps to Reduce Complexity in Product Configurations

Read the three-pronged approach to address and manage complexity as described by Configit Chief Technology Officer Henrik Hulgaard.

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Configuration Lifecycle Management for Sustainability

Read how you can leverage existing configuration technology to help customers find the balance between performance, price, and sustainability.

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Looking Ahead to Manufacturing in 2022 by Henrik Reif Andersen

Configit Chief Strategy Officer Henrik Reif Andersen offers predictions on the biggest trends in manufacturing in 2022.

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Johan Salenstedt of Configit on How to Use Digital Transformation to Take Your Company to the Next Level

Learn the five ways companies can use digital transformation to take their business to the next level from Configit CEO Johan Salenstedt.

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Looking Ahead to Manufacturing in 2022

Configit Chief Strategy Officer Henrik Reif Andersen shares his top manufacturing trends for 2022.


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The Triple Win of Sustainable Manufacturing

Read Configit CEO Johan Salenstedt’s article in NASDAQ on how ‘green configuration’ contributes to a healthy triple bottom line.

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Using Sustainable Product Configuration to Enable Customer Choice

Configit CTO Henrik Hulgaard’s article on how product configuration technology can play a pivotal role in managing sustainability goals and providing customers with ‘green’ product options.

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Driving Digital Transformation with Configuration Lifecycle Management

Henrik Reif Andersen, Chief Strategy Officer at Configit, discusses the strategic importance of keeping the customer at the center of your digital transformation initiatives.

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