Keynote: Mastering Portfolio Uncertainty in Disruptive Times

CLM Summit 2023 presentation by
Norbert Große Entrup
Partner, Complexity Management Expert, Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Manufacturers are under enormous pressure. Technological advances, varying regulatory requirements, and the rise of mechatronic and software components in product models have all increased. The growing variability and complexity of industrial products, combined with growing customer demands for product customization in ubiquitous distribution channels, have pushed manufacturers to the limits of the complexity they can handle with their existing systems and approaches.

Add to this supply chain gaps expose manufacturers to order back-logs and dissatisfied customers, and increasing pressure from regulators, shareholders, and customers to provide more sustainable product options, the manufacturing industry must find solutions to temper both short- and long-term volatility.

In this keynote, Norbert Große Entrup, Partner & Complexity Management Expert, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), will address these challenges and highlight possible solution approaches. He will expand on product and process complexity, showcase the main drivers of product variety, and explore actionable insights and practical solutions to overcome these challenges while increasing operational efficiency and costs control.