CLM Manufacturing

Eliminate manufacturing errors for configurable products
by using powerful BOM validation and analysis.
Portrait of Virtual Event
Virtual Event
April 29-30, 2025
Configuration Lifecycle Management Summit 2025
Advancing Customer-centric Manufacturing
Save Your Spot

  • Do you often have incorrect product specifics on inbound orders?
  • Do you have all relevant information to correctly build complex, configured products in manufacturing?
  • Are your manufacturing bills of materials efficiently kept synchronized with engineering changes?

Built correctly. Every time.

Many manufactures struggle with the disconnect between engineering and manufacturing, or between sales and manufacturing. The costs of incomplete or inaccurate product configuration information becomes higher, the deeper you move into the fulfillment lifecycle.

Configit’s CLM Manufacturing addresses this by providing a single source of configuration truth shared between engineering, sales, and manufacturing. Product introductions and updates flow seamlessly to sales and manufacturing, and the configurations on inbound orders are both correct and contain the right information to correctly build the product, every time.

Ensure complete and accurate BOM definitions for production planning, and send error free configurations to the correct plant. Enhanced collaboration between engineering, sales, manufacturing and service eliminates inaccurate or incomplete configurations resulting from handover processes within your organization.

More complete than CPQ

  • Overcome the traditional limitations of PLM, ERP and
    CPQ variant management
  • Encompass configuration rules from all business functions that handle configured product: engineering, manufacturing, service, marketing
    and sales
  • Ensure that the manufactured product is correct and complete in
    all respects

Take-rate analysis

  • Configuration product analysis provides insight into which components and items to keep in stock and at what volume
  • Lower carrying costs of inventory
  • Identify no-runners and low-runners to help optimize product offerings across global markets

Complementary to PLM and ERP

  • Maintain master data where it makes the most sense using the industry’s most powerful configuration technology

Re-compute orders quickly

  • Re-compute changes for orders during production planning and configurations for use in manufacturing simulations

BOM validation

  • Ensure a correct configuration is sent to manufacturing, in terms that manufacturing understands
  • Build the configurable products you have developed and sold, no matter how complex they are